How do I change profile information on website?

To change the information which shows up on your website related to yourself, you'll need to change this information inside of your intranet profile. The following fields of information are pulled into your website:

  • Designation(s)
  • Position
  • Email
  • Phone Number(mobile, pager, fax & toll-free)

The following steps will guide you through updating your information on the DLC intranet Profile.

The first step is to login to the Intranet at

  • Click on your name(Top Right) > "My Account Settings": mceclip7.png


  • Click on Profile Tabmceclip4.png


  • Once you are done with the changes, scroll down to the end of the page and select "I agree to the terms and conditions of the Internet Usage Policy" and click "Save and Update"mceclip6.png


Once this information has been changed inside of your intranet profile, your website will also reflect these changes but it will take up to 2-4 hours before these changes will show up on your website.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding changing information on your website, please submit a support request and our Support Team would be happy to help out further.

How Do I Add My Photo?

How Do I Edit My Website?

How To Edit The Front Page Of Your Website

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