Every dominionlending.ca email account has a mailbox quota which you need to be aware of. By default this size is set to 25 GB.
To avoid running into this problem, you'll need to delete emails or move old important emails into an archive which is outside of your DominionLending.ca mailbox. If you've already hit your quota and you're now unable to send or receive emails then it will be required for you to submit a support request for us to help out further.
1. Login to your DLC intranet www.dominionintranet.ca
2. Click "Webmail" - Rackspace
Note: If you don't have DLC intranet for your account, you can also directly login to
Rackspace webmail by going to apps.rackspace.com
3. Enter your Email credentials
Username: Youremail@dominionlending.ca
Password: *********
4. Click the "Menu icon"
- Please check here Best practices for managing emails
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