How can I setup my custom email signature?

In this article, we will use Outlook 2016 for Windows to set up a custom email signature including adding a hyperlink. This guide should hopefully be generic enough to walk you through this process even if you're using an older version of Outlook or a different email program as the steps should be fairly similar.

Go to Step #7 to hyperlink your signature

  1. First, you'll need to go to the File Tab inside of OutlookFile_Tab.png
  2. Next, go to Options

  3. Next, go to the Mail tab and click on Signatures...Mail_and_Signatures_Tab.png

  4. Now that we've opened the signatures interface, we'll need to create a new signature. To do so, click New and then create a name for your signature. For the example below, I've used John DoeNew_Signature.png

  5. Once you've created your new signature, we can add the custom image which was created for us. To do this, you'll need to click on the computer/image icon which is shown below. This will open up windows explorer on your PC and you'll need to navigate to where you saved your picture and click OKinsert_image.png

  6. Below is how your edit signature interface should look now that your image has been insertedJohn_Doe_Signature.png

  7. Now we'll add our link to the image so when a recipient clicks on this image, they are taken to your website for example. We are only able to add one link per image. Make sure your image is selected by clicking on it once (you'll know its selected if you see the dotted lines around it) and then click the icon beside the one we clicked previously to insert this imageAdd_hyperlink.png

  8. After clicking that icon, you'll see the interface below which is where we want to type in our hyperlink. For this example we've typed in 

    Note: If you want your email signature to link to your phone number , type in the link as follow with your phone number:tel:9991119999mceclip2.png
  9. Now we have a signature that is hyperlinked and ready to go. The next step is to make sure this signature is set up to be used when creating new messages plus replies/forwards. Make sure the drop-down menus look like how they are set up below

  10. You can now close this signatures interface. To test our new signature, we'll open up a new email message and hover our mouse over it and if all is working as intended, we should see the hyperlink show up and it will say press control + click to follow this link. Your recipients will simply need to click this link and the control keypress is only required when inside this new message interfaceNew_message_test.png


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