IMAP Settings
To setup your Dominion Lending email account in Outlook 2013 using IMAP, please follow these steps:
- In Outlook click "File" then "Account Settings":
- Next click on "New":
- Select "Email Account" and click "Next":
- Then select "Manual Setup" and click "Next":
- Now select "POP or IMAP" and click "Next" as shown:
- Now select "IMAP" for account type, enter "" for both incoming and outgoing mail servers, and enter your email account and password. Make sure your username is also your email address. Then click on "More Settings":
- Under the "Outgoing Server" tab select the settings as shown below then click on the "Advanced" tab:
- Finally, under the "Advanced" tab make sure all your settings are as shown(especially where it states the Root folder path) then click "OK":
- Incoming Server (IMAP):
- 993
- Outgoing Server (SMTP)
- 465
- Root folder path:
- Incoming Server (IMAP):
- Now click "Next" and Outlook should verify that your settings are correct. You should see a window which looks like the following if everything is setup as it should be:
- Click "Close" and then "Finish".
If you get a "Log onto incoming mail server(IMAP) Failed
Please check your login credentials
Password: **********
You are now done your Outlook email setup!
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