1. Login to webmail by navigating to apps.rackspace.com
2. Click on the menu in the top right hand corner
3. Click "Settings"
4. Click on "Composing Email"
5. Click on "Add New Signature" or Edit or Delete
6. Adding Email Signature
7. Type a name for your signature
8. Click "Enable Formatting"
9. Now you can modify the font style, font size or text color or add an image for your custom signature.
10. Also you can add a link to your signature by clicking the insert/edit link icon
11. Highlight the text or image and click the insert/edit link icon
12. Add the URL address
13.Click OK to close the Insert/Edit Link window.
14.Click OK to close the Add New signature window.
15.Click "Save" and you're done!
16.When you compose an email you can now choose your signature.
If you want your signature to automatically show up
1. Go to the Identities tab choose the profile you want to add your default signature
2. Click the profile then Click Edit
3. In the Edit Identity window from the drop down menu choose the Default Signature you want to use
4. Then Click OK
5. Click Save and You're done!
The Full Name field is what your clients will see beside your email
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