To add a generated HTML signature please take the following steps:
- STEP 1: Click Copy Source Code button on the email signature tool to store a copy of your email signature.
- STEP 2: Login to your Rackspace webmail account via your browser (Ex. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc...) to view the email client's dashboard.
- STEP 3: Once logged in to Rackspace webmail, click your email address (top right corner), to view the dropdown and select the Settings menu item.
- STEP 4: In the Settings window, select the Composing Email menu item on the sidebar. Select the Signatures tab menu.
- STEP 5: Click Add New Signature button and type in a signature template name.
- STEP 6: IMPORTANT Enable formatting prior to pasting your signature. Click on the Source Code (<>) icon in the editor tab to open the source code window. Paste your HTML code into the Source Code window by pressing Command + V and click the Okay button.
- STEP 7: Make sure the following options are checked:
• Always show signature when composing an email
• When replying to an email, insert my signature
• When forwarding an email, insert my signature - STEP 8: Click Save and compose a new email or reply to an email. Your email signature should be automatically inserted into your emails.
You are now set up and ready to go!
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