To add a generated HTML signature please take the following steps:
- STEP 1:Click Copy as Select button on the email signature tool to store a copy of your email signature.
- STEP 2:Open Outlook 2019 on your PC.
- STEP 3: Once Outlook 2019 is open, click File in the menu bar (top left), then click Options menu item (bottom left) of the dropdown menu.
- STEP 4: An Outlook Options window will open, select the Mail tab on the sidebar and click the Signatures
- STEP 5: A Signatures & Stationery window will open, click the New button to create a new signature and type a template name for your email signature.
- STEP 6:Paste your signature into the signatures field by right-clicking > Paste Options > Keep Source Formatting.
- STEP 7: Set your new email signature as the default for New Messages and Replies/forwards.
- STEP 8: Click Okay button to close the Signatures & Stationery window. Click Okay button to close Outlook Options window.
- STEP 9: Compose a new email or reply to an email. Your email signature should be automatically inserted into your emails.
You are now set up and ready to go!
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