How do I create an HTML email signature (Broker Account Type)?

You can create an email signature by logging into the Intranet and following these steps:

STEP 1: Click on "My Account Settings":


STEP 2: Click on the "Email" tab then the "Create Signature" button to open the email signature builder:


STEP 3: In the Email Signature Builder - Select the template you'd like on the template tab:


STEP 4: Add/Edit/Remove information that you want to display on your email signature using the fields on the left sidebar such as:

  • Contact information
  • Sub-team information
  • Profile photo
  • Social media
  • Custom banner
  • Award badge
  • Application URLs
  • Confidential warnings


STEP 5: Once you've completed reviewing your email signature, click the "Save Template" button to store your template for later use.


STEP 6: Depending on which email client you use (ex. Outlook/Gmail/Apple Mial/Thunderbird) you will click on one of these buttons "Copy as Select" or "Copy Source Code" to copy your email signature.


If you are unsure, below is a list of email clients and which button to use:

  • Outlook - "Copy as Select"
  • Gmail - "Copy as Select"
  • Apple Mail - "Copy as Select"
  • Thunderbird - "Copy Source Code"
  • Rackspace - "Copy Source Code"

Now that you're copied your email signature, please use the instructions below on how to set the signature up via your email client (ex. Outlook/Gmail/Apple Mail/Thunderbird):





  • Apple Mail
  • Gmail
  • Outlook: Unfortunately email signatures such as these are not supported by mobile devices, only plain text signatures.
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