How do I create an HTML email signature (Franchise Account Type)?

You can create an email signature by logging into the Intranet and following these steps:

STEP 1: Click on "My Account Settings":


STEP 2: Click on the "Email" tab then the "Create Signature" button to open the email signature builder:


STEP 3: In the Email Signature Builder - Select the template you'd like on the template tab:


STEP 4: Add/Edit/Remove information that you want to display on your email signature using the fields on the left sidebar such as:

  • Franchise logo
  • Office address
  • Your mortgage professional's contact information
  • Sub-team information
  • Profile photo
  • Colour scheme
  • Social media
  • Custom banner
  • Award badge
  • Application URLs
  • Confidential warning


STEP 5: Once you've completed reviewing your email signature, click the "Save Template" button to store your template for later use.

Please Note: Saving your custom franchise template will automatically share it with your brokers within your franchise. Brokers will be able to access the custom template via the "Saved Templates" button under the  "Templates" tab on the left sidebar. 


IMPORTANT: If you are creating an email signature on behalf of your broker please follow Step 6A. If you are creating a signature for yourself please follow Step 6B. 

STEP 6A (Creating an email signature for your broker):  After saving your template, click the "Download HTML" button to download a copy of the email signature. Once downloaded, send it to your team member via email as an attachment.


STEP 6B (Creating an email signature for yourself): Depending on which email client you use (ex. Outlook/Gmail/Apple Mial/Thunderbird) you will click on one of these buttons "Copy as Select" or "Copy Source Code" to copy your email signature.


If you are unsure, below is a list of email clients and which button to use:

  • Outlook - "Copy as Select"
  • Gmail - "Copy as Select"
  • Apple Mail - "Copy as Select"
  • Thunderbird - "Copy Source Code"
  • Rackspace - "Copy Source Code"

Now that you're copied your email signature, please use the instructions below on how to set the signature up via your email client (ex. Outlook/Gmail/Apple Mail/Thunderbird):





  • Apple Mail
  • Gmail
  • Outlook: Unfortunately email signatures such as these are not supported by mobile devices, only plain text signatures.
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