How do I add my email signature in Outlook?

To add a generated HTML signature or a JPEG file as your signature in Outlook, please follow these instructions:


  • Begin by clicking on "File" and next, click "Options":



  • Click on the "Mail" side tab and click on the "Signatures" button:




  • Click the "New" button, and enter a name for your signature:




  • In the top right of the window, choose your email account and select if you want your signature to be added to new messages and replies/forwards by selecting the name of that signature from the drop-down menus:



TWO options for Email Signature

  1. Add a HTML file
  2. Add a JPEG image file



1. To Add an HTML file:

  • Open the HTML file you generated from the Intranet (it should open in your web browser)
  • Press CTRL+A to select all, and hit CTRL+C to copy it.
  • Open Outlook
  • File > Options > Mail > Signatures
  • In the signature field, press CTRL+V to paste your signature.
  • Click "OK" to finish your signature.


2. To Add a JPEG image file:

  • If you want to add a JPEG file to your signature, you can do so by clicking on the button shown in this picture. Upload the file and click "Ok"




You are now set up and ready to go!

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